Turkic Council Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package Project is the Cover Story of Skylife Magazine of Turkish Airlines in April Issue.

Turkic Council Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package Project is the Cover Story of  Skylife Magazine of Turkish Airlines in April Issue.
The Turkic Council`s Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package, initiated in 2014 at the Bodrum Summit of the Turkic Council with the instructions of the Heads of States and now ready to meet with tourists, is the  cover story with the title "The Silk Road, Revived" in the April issue of Turkish Airlines (THY) Skylife Magazine.
Referring to the quote; "There are two roads in the universe, one is the Milky Way in the sky and the other is the Silk Road on Earth", a large file is devoted to the Common Tour in the Magazine,where the cultural and historical heritage to be visited in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan is presented. In this context, it is stated in the article that the Turkic Council Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package offers to tourists an attractive alternative route following the traces of Marco Polo and Ibn Batutta on the Silk Road. The text of the article can be found at https://www.skylife.com/en/2018-04/the-silk-road-revived
The Article in the Skylife Magazine is written by Eli Hadzhieva, who participated in the fam trip of the Project in May 2017. The Fam trip was  realised with the support of the Promotion Fund of the Prime Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey. THY was the main sponsor of transportation of the fam trip where Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan national airlines were also among the contributers.
Offering  a unique journey from history to present day, Modern Silk Road Joint Tour Package lasts 15 days in total. The Joint Tour can also be formulated as a combination of single or double or triple countries.  Detailed information about the tour is available at http://www.modernsilkroadtour.com/ .