Speech by the Turkic Council Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev at the Informal Summit of the Turkic Council held on 31 March 2021

Speech by the Turkic Council Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev at the Informal Summit of the Turkic Council held on 31 March 2021
Speech by the Turkic Council Secretary General Baghdad Amreyev at the Informal Summit of the Turkic Council
(March 31, 2021)

Distinguished Heads of State and Prime Minister!
It is a distinct pleasure for us to see all the leaders of the Turkic world together at today's summit.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to H.E. Nursultan Nazarbayev, First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy and Honorary Chairman of the Turkic Council for his invaluable personal contribution to the establishment and development of the Turkic Council.
I wish to express my gratitude to H.E. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for successfully organizing today’s Summit at the highest level and for the traditionally active role of Kazakhstan in the activities of the Organization with important initiatives.
Today we will witness the proclamation of Turkistan city as the spiritual capital of the Turkic world, a symbol of culture and spirituality at the crossroads of millennial civilizations.
It also coincided with a great occasion - the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Turkic States. Let me congratulate you on this solemn celebration.

Despite all the challenges and difficulties, 2020 was a year with a rich agenda. It was indeed a productive and even victorious year for the Turkic world.
The Turkic World become stronger thanks to important successes, first and foremost the liberation of Azerbaijani territories from occupation and the restoration of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
During the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Turkic Council on behalf of all the Member States and on Your Exellencies’ behalf supported Azerbaijan by all means.
Let me congratulate H.E. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on this significant victory and express my gratitude to H.E. as the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for his efforts in the further development of multifaceted cooperation.
Our Turkic peoples have demonstrated their solidarity and provided all possible support to fraternal Kyrgyzstan in difficult times. 
The Kyrgyz people voted for a new leader who will undoubtedly contribute to rendering Kyrgyzstan an economically developed, democratic, dynamic and strong country.
We happily welcome H.E. Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic to our Summit for the first time.  We are convinced that the brotherly Kyrgyz country will continue to contribute to the strengthening of cooperation and partnership in the Turkic world.

We have witnessed the increased role of Turkey in ensuring security and stability in the regions and the world.
I take this opportunity to express my special gratitude to H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey for his strong support of the Turkic Council and invaluable contribution to the protection and promotion of the interests of the Turkic World in the international arena.
I would like to note with gratitude that during this difficult period, Turkey provided tremendious technical and humanitarian assistance and exchanged best practices and experiences in the fight against the pandemic.
Uzbekistan has been actively involved in the development of cooperation within the framework of the Turkic Council in all areas, especially in the fields of trade, economy, transport, and logistics.
We highly appreciate the role of H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who added a new momentum to the activities of the Turkic Council and to the ever-expanding cooperation among the Turkic-speaking countries and peoples.
We have to also underline the role of the Prime Minister of Hungary H.E. Viktor Orban in contributing to the significant expansion of the potential of the Turkic World and strengthening of relations of the Turkic Council Member States with the European countries and organizations.
We warmly welcome President of Turkmenistan H.E. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to today’s Summit. As an integral part of the Turkic World, Turkmenistan has an important potential in strengthening cooperation among the Turkic-speaking countries. We are convinced that ensuring the involvement of this brotherly country in the Turkic Council would significantly enrich the agenda and give a momentum to the cooperation within the Organization.

Relations with the outside world
With regard to the relationship of the Turkic World with the outside world, it should be emphasized that over the 12 years since the Organization's establishment, there has not been any single crisis of political or economic nature between the Turkic Council and the outside world. We have managed to build an equal, constructive and stable relationship with them.
Rather, over the past two years, more than ten countries have expressed their willingness to obtain observer status in the Turkic Council.
The Secretariat has developed the modalities and regulations for the admission of observers and partners, which are under the consideration of the Member States.

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has given additional impetus to cooperation within the Turkic Council. The leaders of the Turkic States were among the firsts in the world to provide the multilateral coordination necessary to combat the pandemic and overcome the crisis.
An Extraordinary Video Summit of the Turkic Council dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic was organized in April 2020.
In accordance with your instructions, we have held meetings at the level of Ministers of Health, Transport, Economy, and Energy and established coordination committees in these areas for timely and coordinated interaction among the relevant authorities of Member States.
In September 2020, the Secretariat signed with the World Health Organization a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Action Plan for its implementation.

Economic cooperation
The economic dimension has always been at the forefront of the Organization’s agenda, and this work is being actively pursued.
This year, for the first time, we convened a meeting of the Ministers of Energy, and we also plan to hold the first meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture this year.
Among the important areas of cooperation are science and technology, education, health care, culture, sports and tourism, youth support, and popularization of the cultural and historical heritage of the Turkic peoples.

Distinguished Heads of State!
This year in Istanbul we will hold a historic Summit at which we will take several decisions that are of vital importance for the entire Turkic world.
In order to properly implement your today's instructions, as well as to ensure the richness of the agenda of the upcoming Summit, let me put forward the following proposals:
1.In accordance with your instructions, the Secretariat, in cooperation with the Member States, will finalize the «Turkic World Vision - 2040». We hope that this document will be adopted at the upcoming Summit.
2. The Secretariat has been finilizing proposals for renaming our organization in accordance with its current legal status. Therefore, we kindly ask you to take a decision on the matter during the next Summit in Turkey.
3. We have finalized the draft modalities and regulations for the admission of observers and partners to the Turkic Council and we expect them to be approved at the next Summit as well.
4. With a view to the early completion of work on the establishment of the Turkic Investment Fund, we expect to finalize this process at the meeting of the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the Member States and submit it for your approval at the next Summit.
5. Within the framework of cooperation in the field of transport and logistics, we kindly ask you to pay special attention to increasing the competitiveness of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, strengthening the "Sister Ports" proccess, and creating a "green corridor" at customs checkpoints for the uninterrupted transit of essential goods.
We request the relevant authorities of the Member States to take effective steps towards facilitating transit procedures and reducing the cost of transporting goods through the Trans-Caspian Corridor, as well as digitization of the freight transportation system.
6. In honor of the broad celebration of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Turkic States, we propose to organize on the margins of the next Summit in Istanbul a large international conference with the participation of the Presidents of the Member States.
I wish you, each of our leaders, good health and full strength, as well as bright successes in your noble work for the benefit of our Turkic peoples.
Thank you for your attention!